
Here at Podfolk, we believe in doing what we can do reduce our environmental impact and improve our sustainability practices. For us, this is achieved through our two core sustainability focuses.


Our pods are Nespresso* Compatible, biodegradable and 100% certified Home Compostable (OK Compost HOME). This means that after you've made your cup o' joe, you can dispose of our pods in your home compost system, or in your council green bin (depending on your local council guidelines). 

Coffee grounds themselves are a great addition to a composting system, as they are high in both potassium and nitrogen. While Coffee grounds are too acidic to be used straight on the garden, when mixed with other organic matter they will help enrich your soil. Oh yeah!



In the coffee industry, supporting quality and innovation at a farm level helps increase revenue paid to producers for their beans, and contributes to a more sustainable coffee supply chain. When farmers are able to sell their coffee in the specialty market, the more they are able to receive higher prices reflective of the quality they are producing. These prices are significantly higher than the New York C commodity market where most coffee is traded, which fluctuates drastically with market pressure and can mean that farmers end up losing money on some crops.

We work with co-operatives and importers that are providing opportunities for growers to improve the quality of their coffee, through education initiatives and on the ground support for innovation in agricultural techniques and processing methods. This in turn supports sustainability in the industry, both in encouraging environmental best practices, but also in ensuring economic sustainability by paying producers fairly.
